CIC and the Transportation Development and Strategy Institute (TDSI) completed handover and acceptance of Software Trazer (Traffic AnalyZer and EnumeratoR) of Kritikal India


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On the 31st of October in 2018 CIC won the package: Supplying equipment for investigation of traffic safety – under the project: "Enhancing the capacity of information technology application in traffic safety statistics, investigation, survey and data analysis ”of Transportation Development and Strategy Institute (TDSI).

Trazer is a an important item of. The software has online and offline parts. They are quite easy to use and bring great efficiency in the traffic data investigation and survey.

Trazer can categorize many types of vehicles such as heavy trucks (trucks, buses ...), light-weight vehicles (cars, jeeps, SUVs ...), two and three-wheeled vehicles, pedestrians. Beside analyzing and enumerating, Trazer also provides smaller information such as speed, direction... of vehicles in traffic.

- Easy to use
- Obviouse video, even for complex traffic
- Reduce errors in comparison with manual human enumeration

- Save time and money
- Higher accuracy than other methods

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