CIC awarded enjiCAD software copyright and accompanied the Career Orientation Day at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology


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Recently, CIC Technology and Consulting Joint Stock Company awarded the copyright to enjiCAD software and accompanied the Career Orientation Festival at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.

On April 26, 2024, CIC Technology and Consulting Joint Stock Company participated in the Career Day for students organized by the Department of CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. Career Orientation Day is an annual activity aimed at connecting businesses, schools and students. The event attracted more than 3,000 students and large businesses in the construction industry to attend.


Participating in accompanying Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, on behalf of CIC Technology and Consulting Joint Stock Company, attending representatives include Mr. Mai Anh Tuan - Director of Ho Chi Minh City branch and Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen – Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City branch.

At the career orientation session, with the desire to support the school in training students in the construction industry in particular and the engineering sector in general to meet international standards through the use of CAD software copyright. CIC Company donated 5,000 enjiCAD keys - Technical drawing software to Polytechnic University - Faculty of Construction Engineering.

At the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement to award the enjiCAD key, representatives were Mr. Mai Anh Tuan - Director of Ho Chi Minh City Branch of CIC Company and Mr. Le Anh Tuan - Dean - FACULTY OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF BACH KHOA, Ho Chi Minh National University.

Mr. Mai Anh Tuan - Director of Ho Chi Minh City branch of CIC Company and Mr. Le Anh Tuan - Dean - FACULTY OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, VNU-HCMC signed a cooperation agreement

Mr. Mai Anh Tuan - Director of Ho Chi Minh City branch of CIC Company awarded 5000 enjiCAD keys

Representing the school, Mr. Le Anh Tuan - Dean - FACULTY OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, VNU-HCMC sent his thanks and presented flowers to the representative of CIC Consulting and Technology Joint Stock Company.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen - Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City branch

Also in the exchange session, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen - Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City branch, representing members of the Alumni Liaison Committee of the Faculty of Construction Engineering - Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, shared and gave advice. Career counseling for final year students to guide students about their future careers.

The 2024 Career Orientation Day organized by the Department of Construction Engineering, Polytechnic University took place successfully, bringing many job opportunities for students.

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