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    Complete Guide to Downloading and Using Lisp CAD for Design Professionals


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    The enjiCAD software, developed by CIC Technology and Consulting Joint Stock Company, has been extensively optimized and upgraded with enhanced compatibility, enabling users to maximize the capabilities and power of Lisp tools. In this article, we will guide you on downloading and using enjiCAD's LISP package to optimize your workflow and increase productivity.

    Lisp CAD is an incredibly useful tool in CAD software in general and enjiCAD in particular. It allows users to automate repetitive tasks, create custom commands, and expand the software's capabilities. Simply put, Lisp CAD is like a compact programming language within CAD, helping you work more efficiently and quickly.

    1. Download the Lisp CAD Package

    · Visit the official enjiCAD website at: https://enjicad.vn/ 

    · Scroll down to the library section and select LISP

    · You will be redirected to a Google Drive link; click Request access to get permission

    · Then access the lisp library and download the Lisp package to your computer

    Library to load the Lisp suite

    2. Using Lisp CAD

    · Open the enjiCAD software and use the APPLOAD command to load the Lisp files into the software

    · The functions and shortcut commands are the names of the downloaded Lisp files. For example, the one-leaf door drawing command has the shortcut C1

    · Similarly, call the shortcut C1 and press Enter to invoke the command and follow the instructions on the pointer to complete the operation

    With just a few simple steps, you can draw a one-leaf door with custom angles without manually drawing each line. All operations only require selecting points and angles, without manually drawing each line, which is very quick and saves effort.

    3. Further Exploration

    The Lisp CAD package provides many other useful tools to help users automate repetitive design operations. You can find more detailed articles about using Lisp in this library.

    4. Experience enjiCAD

    You can quickly get a trial version of enjiCAD the software's homepage (https://enjicad.vn/) to experience this high-performance CAD replacement and its extremely useful Lisp package.

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