Home > News > Specialized > Management solutions and optimization of METRON energy use in industriesRelease of enjiCAD 2025 SP2: Elevating Design Performance
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The growing process of industrialization and modernization has caused the demand for energy to skyrocket. Meanwhile, the energy sources used today are mainly non-renewable and increasingly depleted.
These two problems lead to the risk of serious energy shortages in the near future. Without global issues such as energy saving and environmental protection, the term "energy management" may never have even appeared.
We need energy management for the following main reasons:
Metron is a solution suite developed by the corporation of the same name headquartered in France. Metron focuses on developing solution sets to support the management and optimization of energy use in many different industries such as steel production, cement, glasses and glass, paper,... especially the uses a lot of energy.
METRON is a cloud-based management software system that includes the following feature modules:
Information support hotline for customers: 0866.059.659