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Release of enjiCAD 2025 SP2: Elevating Design Performance
5 Technology Trends Shaping 2025
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With PLAXIS 2024.1 users will benefit improvements to underground and excavation design and reinforcement, improvements in geotechnical workflow connectivity, and foundation analysis and design models. offshore foundation designs.
The Tunnel Designer for both PLAXIS 2D and 3D now has added flexibility to define combined reinforcements, this is done with the new property Number of Parts in the Reinforcements tab. By default, the number of parts is 1 and the user can change this to a current maximum of 2 parts. With two parts, each reinforcement line is split into two connected line parts, that each have their own length and own element type assignment. This allows the user, in the context of cables, to split a cable into two different parts: a part that represents the bonded section and a part that represents the free length section. Another combination currently enabled, is one part defined as node-to-node anchor and the other as rock bolt.
With combined reinforcements in the tunnel designer, it makes it easy to configure and edit more complex reinforcement patterns. The combined reinforcements also extend into the Sequencing mode, allowing activation/deactivation when setting up the excavation and/or reinforcement stages.
Figure 1. New: Combined Tunnel reinforcement in the Tunnel Designer
In 2023.2 the cable element and cable material were introduced in PLAXIS 3D. These cable elements can be used to simulate rock reinforcement like grouted cables or frictional/grouted bolts that work mostly in tension and/or compression. With the most recent release the application of the cable element has been extended, by enabling them in the 3D Tunnel Designer.
After adding reinforcements to a tunnel segment, the user can switch between "Cable" or "Rock bolt" the drop-down menu called "Element type" in the property tree of the Reinforcements tab. By changing the Numbers of Parts (see above) to 2, the user can define separate lengths for the bonded and the free part of the cable pattern. In the sequencing mode, users can configure the activation/deactivation of the cable reinforcement patterns and apply pre-stress. This defined sequence is later used in Staged construction mode to easily generate the full calculation phases with the Advance tunnel to next step command.
Figure 2. Tunnel reinforcement generated in a PLAXIS 3D model, now with combined reinforcements
Having cables available in the 3D Tunnel designer, makes it much easier to define and edit cable reinforced underground excavations, allowing the full 3D geometry and changes to generate with the click of button. Changes easily propagate to the Sequencing mode, speeding up the regeneration of the construction stages, when exploring or optimizing against different designs.
An example on how to define a cable reinforced underground excavation through the 3D Tunnel Designer is shown in the following movie:
Figure 3. Central cross section import now imports multiple evaluations into PLAXIS 2D
Previous releases introduced the capability to import Leapfrog geological model cross-sections Seequent Central, along with the material names and colors into PLAXIS 2D. This import functionality is now extended with the option to import multiple objects evaluated on the cross section. Leapfrog allows users to conveniently create 3D geological models digital site investigation data and other field data. It also enables users to import 3D CAD design geometry, think of tunnels or embankments, and visualize these designs together with the relevant geological model data. Both designs and the geological model can also be visualized in a single cross section. Any created cross sections and their data can be published Leapfrog to Seequent Central, for cloud-based visualization and collaboration.
In PLAXIS 2D, when importing the cross section Seequent Central, the user can now select any of the available objects in the cross section, like the geological model and/or various design geometries and bring them in as geometry. With the design incorporated into the cross section together with the geological model cross section, the user doesn't need to separately recreate or import the design CAD files.
Introduced a threshold stress for the N2PC Rock Creep model, below which creep strain does not develop.
PLAXIS-STAAD.Pro Structural Coupling tool feature removed the PLAXIS 3D software.
ISM import and publishing features removed the PLAXIS 3D software.
This Technology Preview adds the possibility to calculate natural vibration frequencies and vibration modes for the monopile-tower-nacelle system. The rotor-nacelle assembly is modelled as a lumped mass. Soil-structure interaction can be considered through the initial stiffness of the soil reaction curves.
Figure 4. Modal analysis results in PLAXIS Monopile Designer
We want your feedback! We released this Technology Preview to ensure our solutions are built to address your challenges. Let us know about your experience.
We added a Python interpreter that can be launched the Expert menu, which allows running commands interactively and troubleshooting scripts.
Figure 5. Python Interpreter now added to PLAXIS Monopile Designer
It is now also possible to install and import the plxmdt.easy scripting module in a custom Python installation, enabling you to run scripts your preferred development environment (requires Python 3.8.10).
Fixed an issue where incorrect boundary conditions were specified at the top of the monopile in 3D design verification models (in the Analysis tab), making the application of the workload not fully symmetrical. Results obtained with previous versions may be affected. It is recommended that you re-generate and re-calculate your 3D verification model.
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