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    Release of enjiCAD 2025 SP2: Elevating Design Performance


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    CIC Technology and Consulting Joint Stock Company is pleased to announce the release of enjiCAD 2025 SP2. This is the latest version of enjiCAD this year with numerous superior improvements for designers.

    The enjiCAD 2025 SP2 update focuses on significant performance improvements, delivering a smoother and more efficient design experience for users. Additionally, enjiCAD 2025 SP2 has been enhanced with many new features, improving its ability to meet diverse design needs.

    Below are the outstanding improvements in enjiCAD 2025 SP2

    1.    Drawing Opening Performance

    - Opening drawings with 3D entities: Performance for opening drawings containing multiple 3D entities has been significantly improved. For 60 sample drawings with 3D entities, opening performance has

    improved by an average of over 100%.

    - Opening drawings with SOLID Hatch: Performance for opening drawings containing multiple SOLID Hatches has been significantly improved. For 22 sample drawings (each containing over 200,000 SOLID Hatches), opening speed has increased by an average of over 100%.

    - Opening drawings with multiline text: Performance for opening drawings with multiple multiline texts has improved by an average of over 50%.

    2. 3D Display Optimization

    Display refresh performance for 3D image styles has been significantly improved. For 60 3D drawing samples, Shaded image style has improved by 90%, Realistic image style by 117%, and Shaded with Edges style by 240%.

    3. Multiline Text Optimization

    - Performance for copying large multiline text in drawings has improved by over 20%, while paste performance has improved by over 60%.

    - Issues with freezing when editing, inputting, and deleting long multiline texts have been resolved.

    4. Block Optimization

    - Average performance for block creation has improved by over 60%.

    - Average performance for Block Exploding has improved by over 30%.

    5. Selection Improvements

    - Select all performance has improved by over 15%.

    - Window selection performance has improved by over 10%.

    6. Layer Management

    Layer freeze and thaw performance for drawings with many layers has been significantly improved. The time to freeze and thaw a drawing with over 20,000 layers has been reduced over 300 seconds to less than one second. Similarly, the time to freeze and thaw a drawing with 5,000 layers has been reduced 25 seconds to about 0.2 seconds.

    7. Snap Point Performance

    Complex objects can be snapped smoothly without any lag. Additionally, all user-reported incidents related to snap performance have been resolved.

    8. Closing Performance

    Average time for closing complex drawings has been reduced by over 40%.

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