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    Tính năng mới trong Etabs v20


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    Cùng với việc ra mắt phần mềm SAFE 2020 thay thế cho SAFE 2016, hãng CSI mới phát hành thêm phiên bản hoàn toàn mới của phần mềm ETABS v20.0.0. Với một loạt cải tiến mới trong mô hình, phân tích, bổ sung tiêu chuẩn thiết kế và tối ưu hóa dữ liệu đầu ra... Dưới đây là tổng hợp các tính năng trong phần mềm ETABS v20.0.0 mới phát hành.


    Support lines have been added for faster modeling of design strips, tendons, and slab panels. They can be drawn and edited on-screen as well as generated automatically along grid lines.


    Slab panels are a new entity that can be automatically generated using grids or support lines, or they can be user-drawn. They overlay the floor system and can be used to apply live load for load-pattern analysis, and they can also be used to report mid-panel displacements and soil-pressure summaries.


    Moment and shear releases can now be specified along lines within a slab object. Previously hinges could only be specified at the boundaries of slab objects.


    Time-dependent behavior of concrete has been added for the AS3600-2018 code, including creep, shrinkage, and age-dependent stiffness.


    Scale factors can now be applied to time-dependent material properties - creep, shrinkage, and stiffness - allowing more control over behavior for special situations.



    Pattern Live load is now available as a type of loading, allowing manual assignment of live loads to different regions of the structure that will be automatically varied in load combinations to produce the maximum response.

    Pattern loading, including Auto-Pattern loading, can now be assigned to slabs. Auto-Pattern loading automatically creates multiple load patterns specified live loads on slabs, each loading a single slab panel.


    Auto wind loading has been added for the AS/NZS 1170.2:2021 code.


    Temperature gradient loads can now be assigned to frames and shells, representing a change in temperature across the depth that tends to cause bending.



    New staged-construction operations are available to change stiffness modifiers applied to frames and shells, as well as end releases applied to frames. These operations reference named sets of modifiers and releases and they can be applied to individual objects or groups.


    The speed of analysis has been improved for nonlinear modal time-history (FNA) load cases that have a large number of undamped linear link elements, such as for meshed base mats on an elastic foundation.

    The analysis engine has been optimized for newer AMD CPUs



    The reporting for the PT design of slabs has been enhanced with tabular and graphical displays of the moment capacity at every station of the design strips, as well as a tabular display of the pre-compression due to PT along the strips.

    Several enhancements have been made to Eurocode 2-2004 concrete frame design, including improved calculation of slenderness effects and new national-annex values of TanTheta for shear design.

    Slab design for IS 456:2000 now provides an option increase longitudinal reinforcement in slabs as needed to avoid shear links in the slab.

    Several enhancements have been made to steel frame design for the Eurocode 3-2005 and NTC 2008/2018 codes, including improved calculation of Mcr, and results output referred to y-z axes rather than major-minor axes.



    Nonlinear frame hinges can now be automatically generated for coupling beams per ASCE 41, Table 10-19 for flexure-controlled members and Table 10-20 for shear-controlled members.

    User-specified rebar material is now available for defining vertical and horizontal wall hinge reinforcement.


    The hysteresis type can now be specified for certain types of auto-generated frame hinges.



    Imports Perform3D now support nonlinear components "Moment Hinge, Rotation Type", "Shear Hinge, Displacement Type", and "P-M2-M3 Hinge, Concrete Rotation Type". Additionally, the following load types can now be imported: Self Weight, Nodal Loads, and Element Loads.


    ĐỒ HỌA

    On-screen measuring tools are now available to measure line lengths, the angles between two lines, and the areas and perimeters of closed polygons.


    PT tendon display options now include Number of Strands, Tendon System, Vertical Profile Control Points, Vertical Profile Values, Total Length, Jacking Force, and Elongation.



    A new table displays the applied, reactive, and net diaphragm forces acting at column and wall locations for selected floors.



    EXR files can now be imported and exported directly between ETABS and CSI products SAP2000 and SAFE. Previously this feature required using CSiXRevit as an intermediary.


    Shell uniform load sets can now be exported ETABS for import into Revit using CSiXRevit.


    API functions have been added or enhanced for accessing SP 63-13330-2021 concrete frame design, Eurocode 3-2005 steel frame design, and NTC 2008/2018 steel frame design.