BIM Consultancy

BIM is a process related to the creation and management of digital features (called digital information models) in the design, construction and operation of buildings (constructions in This could be construction projects or industrial products).


In essence, BIM can be viewed as a design document consisting of digital files or data, containing logical relationships in terms of space, size, quantity, and material of each component and set. part in the project. This information is exchanged and connected online through software, to support management and decision-making related to the project.

Combining information about parts of the construction with other information such as norms, unit prices, construction progress... will create a virtual reality model of the construction, for the purpose of optimization. simplify design, construction, operation and management of projects, thereby simplifying management work and optimizing costs.


3D BIM: Is a 3D model (3-dimensional size) built with 3D graphics software, which design products are extracted, which are 2D projection drawings. Unified data information.
BIM 4D: Exploit information 3D models and transfer it to other applications for construction planning, reporting, statistics...
BIM 5D: Exploit 3D and 4D information to make estimates and payments quickly in real time.
BIM 6D: Connect information many partners, gather and manage throughout the project horizontally and vertically.
Quality and safety: In parallel with the above levels, any project requires quality inspection, defect management, risk management and check list & hand over.


Depending on the needs of each business, we have different levels of application and establish specific, clear BIM systems for business goals:

For investors: They always need information about capital flows and investment efficiency. To have information about capital flows, they need immediate cost information at each time they want. This BIM gives them the benefit of implementing 5D BIM. To have information about efficiency, they need BIM management at the 6D level.
For contractors: Most levels 5D to 6D have applications for them.
For design consulting: The two most important levels that BIM brings high efficiency to design consulting units are 3D and 6D BIM. BIM 4D and 5D only help increase competitiveness, not necessarily for them.


1. Lack of expertise

When conducting surveys, many construction companies had different reports about the challenges and barriers they faced while incorporating BIM.

Firstly, the BIM concept is quite new to many people, and they will ener many problems when implementing it. BIM has been understood in more complex ways. However, the most difficult challenge is the lack of capacity. People in the construction industry lack the expertise and knowledge to implement this new concept.

2. Afraid of change

To incorporate BIM, a truly open way of working is needed between project stakeholders.

In the construction industry, where project managers spend most of their time off-site and working their way up. However, in the case of BIM adoption, project managers need to follow strict guidelines and procedures. This is also one of the challenges for companies new to BIM in Vietnam.

3. Information management

Another challenge companies face is information and resource management during BIM implementation.

The company must ensure that suppliers and subcontractors also understand this technology and comply with the correct implementation principles. The involvement of parties such as suppliers and subcontractors will result in more information having to be managed. Therefore, units need to wisely choose experienced partners to support qualifications, knowledge, experience and resources.

4. Additional costs

BIM software costs and incompatibility with other software are also barriers that companies need to anticipate when choosing BIM. Challenges such as software bugs or inaccurate modeling methods due to lack of experience in using 3D models.

Last but not least, companies implementing BIM need to change their workflow. To make these necessary changes, costs will be incurred. And companies are wondering more about costs after implementing BIM.

BIM needs to be seen the perspective of added value. Deploying BIM with BIM software will cause changes in the construction industry. However, the long-term benefits are undeniable.


With the goal of bringing practical results to businesses, CIC follows direct tailoring rather than mass training, so:

Enterprises will have a process and a roadmap that best suits their long-term and short-term needs to avoid waste and loss.
Accompanying businesses in the BIM application phase, advising businesses on how to handle arising problems and remaining issues regarding BIM application in businesses to ensure the roadmap is achieved on schedule.
BIM 3D: With a team of long-standing and experienced experts, technicians, and IT. CIC will help businesses initially apply Autodesk's 3D BIM software but still deliver products with appropriate tools. This means that businesses will be able to apply it to current projects.

BIM 4D: We will advise to choose the most suitable and effective direction for applying BIM 4D for businesses. One of them, Fuzor, has responded very well in this level.

BIM 5D: Cost is the top concern of businesses, so CIC has chosen a series of directions to best suit the development direction and capacity of the business. achieve the most optimal efficiency, with the least cost.

In this solution chain, there is the Cubicost software suite, which supports intelligent quantity take-off based on BIM and CAD platforms. Helps minimize the repetitive work of engineers, thereby helping to save time and improve productivity of quantity take-off work and making bidding documents.

Cubicost: A complete Cubicost product suite includes 4 software with different functions, working together to form a complete quantity takeoff solution.
TAS C: Taking off concrete volumes, formwork, excavation and finishing.
TRB C: Take off the volume of reinforcement
TME: MEP volume dissection
TBQ: Total volume TAS, TRB and TME. Manage volumes and prepare bidding documents.
The volumes exported on Cubicost will have a detailed explanation of each component, which can be checked directly on the model, so protecting the volume is no longer a concern for QS engineers.

From 2D drawings, vector PDF, engineers can model quickly with the automatic component recognition feature, modeling will become very simple with just a few mouse clicks.

From the received IFC or Revit file 3D model, just a few operations and calculations the software will output the volume accurately and completely without having to waste time re-modeling.


In addition, to increase the efficiency of Cubicost, CIC has developed solutions in combination with Digicost
Digicost: Tool to combine data the exported BIM model, thereby combining it with norms and unit prices of the State and businesses to export a full BoQ table, completely automating the block work process. quality of a QS engineer

- Cubicost + Digicost: From the output volume on Cubicost will be input into Digicost to create a BoQ table

- Revit + Cubicost + Digicost: Use Revit to create a model that can be used better for subsequent BIM purposes such as 4D, 6D, meeting the long-term development needs of businesses.

BIM 6D: Ecodomus is a smart toolkit that solves operational management problems most suitable for the Vietnamese market today, and can be combined with other BIM applications.